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Order Information
What is my order status?
What payment methods can I use?
Do I have to pay sales tax?
How do I get a copy of my invoice?
What do I do if I forgot my password?
How will you know where and how to send my physical product?
How do I start a new order?
Shipping Information
Has my order shipped?
How do I get my tracking number?
Do you ship to my country?
I live outside the US. Do I have to pay customs fees?
When will my backorder ship?
Can I change my shipping address?
Can I change my shipping method?
Technical Support
Why do I need to set my browser to accept cookies?
Are cookies a security risk?
How do I set up my browser to accept cookies?
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Returns and Cancellations
What is your refund policy?
How do I request a refund?
How do I cancel my order?
When will my credit appear on my credit card?
Privacy and Security
What is your privacy policy?
What is the Digital River Secure & Virus Free Protection?
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