Need Help?
We aim to deliver the best buying experience on the Internet. Click on a Question/Topic below to get help.
Order Information
- What is my order status?
- What payment methods do you accept?
- When will my credit card be charged?
- How will the charge appear on my credit card?
- Do I have to pay sales tax?
- I need a copy of my invoice.
- I forgot my password.
- What address should I enter in the billing information screen?
- How do I enter a shipping address?
- Should I put spaces or dashes in the credit card number?
- Why are you not accepting my credit card?
Download Information
- How do I download?
- Have download instructions e-mailed to you.
- How do I get my serial # or unlock codes for my purchase?
- My unlock code/serial # is not working.
- How do I re-download software that I have purchased?
- What if the download stops before it is complete?
- I've finished downloading, where do I find it?