Order Information

What is my order status?
You can view your order status by looking up your order.

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What payment methods can I use?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and check cards or ATM cards, so long as they are connected with one of the major credit card companies listed above.

You can safely enter your entire credit card number via our secure server, which encrypts all submitted information.

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Should I use spaces or dashes when I enter my credit card number?
No. Enter your credit card number without any spaces or special characters. It should be entered as a continuous string of numbers.

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Does my billing address have to match the address on file with my credit card?
Yes. For credit card verification you must enter your billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement.

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Why is my credit card being rejected?
There are many possible reasons for a credit card not being accepted:
  • The card is expired.
  • You have reached or exceeded your credit limit.
  • You have exceeded your daily charge limit.
  • A computer at either end of the transaction is having technical problems.

If you have problems submitting your credit card payment you can contact Customer Service for help. When you contact Customer Service you may be asked for any error message numbers you received, as well as the reference number seen in the shopping cart.

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When will my credit card be charged?
For purchases of downloaded products, your credit card will be charged within 24 hours of your order being placed.

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How will the charge show up on my credit card?
The charge for your order will appear on your credit card as: "DRI*Trend Micro"

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Can I order without a credit card?
Yes. In addition to credit cards we accept checks, money orders and wire transfers. If you choose to pay by check, money order, or wire transfer, you will receive instructions on how to send your payment once you submit your order.

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Do I have to pay sales tax?
Depending on the order, sales tax may be calculated and charged. Any sales tax charged will be indicated once your billing and/or shipping address have been entered during checkout.

The price indicated includes anticipated VAT that we will collect from you based on information you make available to us. The total price may change during the course of the shopping session depending on a number of factors. However, you will have the opportunity to review the final price we will charge before you submit your order.

Tax-exempt entities can request a refund of the tax paid on an order. We will need a copy of your tax-exempt certificate and the billing or shipping address on the order must match the address on the certificate. Please include your order number or a copy of your receipt or invoice. You can fax a copy of your certificate, with order number or invoice to 952-253-8760.

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How do I get a copy of my invoice?
You can print a copy of your invoice from the Order Information page.

Click here to look up your order and print a copy of your invoice.

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