Join Huck and Jim as they journey down the Mississippi in this beloved companion to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and a standalone classic in its own right, with a fresh new cover and interior illustrations.
“You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter,” declares Huck at the start of one of the greatest books in American literature. Filled with all the humor, suspense, and sheer excitement of its predecessor, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—a nostalgic portrayal of a world Mark Twain knew intimately—tells the moving story of a boy who must make his own way in an often cruel society that counts it a sin to help a runaway slave. This edition includes a modern cover and new illustrations from Iacopo Bruno. This new look coincides with a new edition of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the publication of The Absolutely Truthful Adventures of Becky Thatcher.